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Absence and Leave

Absence and Leave

A minimum of 75% attendance is a pre requisite for the Final/Board Exam. The following rules must be followed in case leave becomes unavoidable:

1. In case a leave is planned, submit a leave application written by a parent in advance or an email can also be sent.

2. In case of absence due to illness or unforeseen circumstances submit a leave application within two working days of the student returning to school.

3. A medical certificate is to be attached with application in case of illness.

4. If a student has been suffering from an infectious disease, a dostor's certificate stating that the student is fit to attend school, after a quarantine period must be submitted.

Repeated absence without leave or unexplained leave for more than 20 consecutive days will result in the student's name being struck off from the school rolls.

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. ~ Albert Einstein "