Math Week Celebrations – Junior Wing (13-18 Jan 2025)
"Mathematics is the game of games, the puzzle of puzzles, the art of arts." - Reuben Hersh
Mathematics not only enhances our thinking but also highlights the immense potential of the human mind. To inspire young learners and eliminate math anxiety, 'Math Week' was held at TAFS Junior School from January 13th to 18th, 2025. The theme for the event was 'Mathematics in daily life' and all class activities were centered around this concept.
This provided a wonderful opportunity for students in classes I-V to engage in math activities and foster a love for the subject. Teachers carefully designed these activities to challenge students' thinking, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and develop their observation and analytical skills.
During this week, the following activities were conducted :
Class UKG enjoyed an Addition Hands-on Game using flash cards, glasses and balls.
Students of class 1 went to a Shape hunt around the school with their tiny handmade Shape Detectors. They observed and recognized objects of different shapes in their surroundings. Then they drew two objects they observed. Children had fun in the activity.
Children of class 2 used play money in the classroom to mimic buying different items like bottle, pencils, and toys etc. Each student was given play money to spend, and they learned how to count the money and give the correct amount when making a purchase. In this activity, they learned that money helps us to buy things we need and want. They enjoyed making different money combination with their classmates.
Class 3 students were thrilled to embark on a shopping mall excursion, where they got to apply their knowledge of money management in a practical setting. Using mock currency notes, they purchased metro tickets, stationery, and toys. The students took turns to play the roles of shopkeepers and customers, making the learning experience fun and interactive.
Class 4 students were excited at the idea of being able to apply the concept of measuring area using unit squares practically. They used colorful origami sheets as unit squares to measure the area of different floor tiles( in corridor, classroom) allotted to each team comprising of 6 /7 children.
For Class V children a GUESS and CHECK Group Activity on the concept of ‘Area’ was conducted. Students first guessed how many children could stand in a square of 1 sq m and then they made newspaper sheets of the same size and stood on them to verify their guesses. After that population density of different states was also compared and discussed. While doing this Hands-on activity, children could have a concrete sense of how big is 1 square metre area.
These activities, spanning the week, sparked great interest among the students and provided them with an enjoyable and educational experience.